
Media Director | Podcast + Video ProduceR + EDITOR

I was the Media Director for Patristic Nectar Publications, a non-profit Orthodox Christian publication organization, dedicated to “nourishing the spiritually thirsty with the sweet teachings of the Holy Fathers”.

For 12 years I was the technical lead in the production, editing, and marketing for a wide range of patristic video and audio, including weekly podcasts and video productions. Under the supervision of Patristic Nectar’s founder and director, Father Josiah Trenham Ph.D., I produced over 300 videos and 600 podcasts, along with a vast library of audio lectures.

In the capacity of the organization's marketing duties, I created the branding, managed, and maintained the social media accounts, including the creation of ad campaigns, developed promotional materials (graphics, short video teasers, animations, etc).

I organized the promotion and executed the technical aspects for multi-day in person conferences, which were live-streamed to a world-wide audience. 


The Arena Podcast

I have overseen the production and technical direction of The Arena podcast for over 12 years, producing over 600 episodes. I created trailers to promote other products offered by the parent company of The Arena, Patristic Nectar Publications.


The Beauty of Thy House with Jonathan Pageau

Live Stream Conferences

I’ve strategized, organized and run the promotional and technical aspects for annual live stream conferences, featuring prominent speakers within the Orthodox community, including His Grace Bishop Irenei of London, as well as the Deans of Seminaries Saint Vladimir and Saint Tikhon. Conferences were live streamed to a worldwide audience.

"I am from the UK and ...have recently been introduced to your videos and content... am currently seeking out an Orthodox Church in my area to visit with a view to learning more about Orthodox Christianity."


"Your video "The Fishers of Men." awoke something deep inside of me and I saw how beautiful the world could be through the window of that short video. The beautiful and loving families and beautiful Church were something I desperately needed as my own marriage was falling apart due to lack of Christ's presence. It was shortly after watching that video and attending your Liturgy(which sealed the deal for me in terms of your legitimacy) that I made the choice in my mind and said to Christ, "Please change me, do whatever you need to do." (I am brought to tears writing this right now. Glory to God for this softened heart.)"

- N

"...I thoroughly enjoy and benefit from listening to your homilies which I can understand. They truly resonate with me. I simply wanted to express my gratitude for your weekly words as we all continue to keep up the good struggle toward salvation and navigate the challenges we face as Christians in today's very secular and "woke" society."

- K.C.


Fleccas Talks


Common Ground Studios